Advertiser Report Export API
This api allows advertiser to export their reports data in csv format
The export api requires authentication both for retrieving and requesting an export.
Api request authentication
You must authenticate your request using your api authentication token.
You can get your authentication token from your user profile in the User Information section.
In order to authenticate your requests using the auth token you need to provide the following http header
curl <url> -H 'Authorization: Token <auth_token>'
Demand a new export
Http Api Request
In order to request a new export you have to execute an HTTP POST request to the following endpoint
In the request body you have to put a json string with the following structure
Request example using curl
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Authorization: Token <auth_token>' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{"start_date":"2017-10-01", "stop_date":"2017-10-03"}'
If you want a more fine grained control over the export results you may want to use the additional parameters
Required | Name | Type | Description |
required | start_date | string | Start date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format |
required | stop_date | string | Stop date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format |
optional | sorting | string | Field used for column sorting (time,campaign,aff_sub_id,cr) default campaign_id |
optional | format | string | Export file format default csv |
optional | csv_headers | bool | (if using csv format) Add field headers on top of the export, default true |
optional | interval | string | Report time resolution (hourly, daily, monthly) default daily |
The post response will contain the request id and status. you must keep the task id in order to be able to fetch the results once that the process will be completed
"result": "QUEUED | ERROR",
"task_id": "<task_id>"
Retrieve an export
To retrieve an export you have to use it's task_id performing an HTTP GET request to the following endpoint as follows<task_id>
The response is in standard json format structured as follows
"result": "<export download url>"
Example request using curl
curl<task_id> \
-H 'Authorization: Token <auth_token>'
Response fields
Name | Type | Description |
state | string | Task state SUCCESS or PENDING |
result | string | If result is completed this field will contain the download url for the export otherwise it will be null |
Export result
The resulting csv file will be structured as follows:
Column | Type | Description |
aff_sub_id | string | Affiliate id |
time | int | Time in format YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm |
clicks_aggr | int | Clicks count aggregation |
campaign | string | Campaign name |
country | string | Country |
creative_id | string | Creative name |
app_id | string | App package name |
campaign_id | int | Campaign id |
cost_aggr | float | Costs aggregation |
cr | float | Conversion rate |
conversions_aggr | int | Conversions aggregation |
name_os | string | Os name |
version_os | float | Os version |
lang | string | User language |
publisher_id | int | publisher id |