Advertiser Campaign API

This api allows advertiser to view their campaigns in json format


You must authenticate your request using your api authentication token.

You can get your authentication token from your user profile in the User Information section.

In order to authenticate your requests using the auth token you need to provide the following http header

    curl <url> -H 'Authorization: Token <auth_token>'

List all campaigns




URL Params

Required Name Type Description
optional status string Campaign status. Allowed values: RUNNING, PAUSED, DELETED, REJECTED, EXPIRED, NOTDELETED. Default show all campaigns
optional page int The page of results to return
optional page_size int Number of items per page


This API provides a defaults of maximum 10 items per request, you can change this behaviour with the page_size param.
With the optional page URL param you can specify the page of results to return.
You can find link to the next and previous results page in the next and previous response attribute value.

Success Response

Response code: 200
Content-Type: application/json

The json object has the following top level structure:

        "count": 2,
        "next": null,
        "numpages": 1,
        "previous": null,
        "results": [...]
Attribute Type Description
count int Total campaigns count
next string Link to next results page. Can be null
numpages int Number of available pages
previous string Link to previous results page. Can be null
results array Array of campaigns object

Objects in the results array will have the following structure:

        "application": "My application",
        "budget": 1000.0,
        "campaign_type": "CPI",
        "countries": {
            "IT": "Italy",
            "US": "USA"
        "daily_cap": 10.0,
        "destination_url": "{CLICK_ID}",
        "id": 42,
        "is_incentivized": false,
        "name": "My campaign",
        "os": "ANDROID",
        "os_min_version": 7.0,
        "payout": 1.0,
        "restrictions": {
            "9": {
                "name": "Adult traffic",
                "description": "Any type of traffic related to adult, porn or sexy contents is not allowed."
        "start_date": "2018-04-10T13:57:59Z",
        "status": "RUNNING",
        "stop_date": "2018-04-13T08:00:00Z",
Attribute Type Description
application string Application name
budget number Total campaign budget
campaign_type string Campaign type, Can be CPC, CPI, CPA
countries object Countries associated with this campaign. Items key is a two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) while value is the country name
daily_cap number Campaign daily cap
destination_url string Campaign destination url
id int Campaign id
is_incentivized boolean Campaign can allows incent traffic
name string Campaign name
os string Operative system associated with this campaign
os_min_version number Minimum operative system version for this campaign
payout number Payout of the campaign
restrictions object Kind of restrictions for this campaigns. Items key is the restriction id, value is an object with restriction name and description
start_date string Campaign start date, in ISO 8601 format
status string Status of the campaign. Can be RUNNING, PAUSED, DELETED, REJECTED, EXPIRED
stop_date string Campaign stop date, in ISO 8601 format

Error Response

Code Response Description
403 {"detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."} Request doesn't contain authentication credentials or the user is not linked to an advertiser
400 {"status": ["Select a valid choice. WrongStatus is not one of the available choices."]} Wrong status value
405 {u'detail': u"Method 'POST' not allowed."} Only GET method is allowed

Sample Call

Request example using curl:

curl -H "Authorization: Token <auth_token>" ''

Single campaign




Success Response

Response code: 200
Content-Type: application/json

The json object has the following structure:

        "application": "My application",
        "budget": 1000.0,
        "campaign_type": "CPI",
        "countries": {
            "IT": "Italy",
            "US": "USA"
        "daily_cap": 10.0,
        "destination_url": "{CLICK_ID}",
        "id": 42,
        "is_incentivized": false,
        "name": "My campaign",
        "os": "ANDROID",
        "os_min_version": 7.0,
        "payout": 1.0,
        "restrictions": {
            "9": {
                "name": "Adult traffic",
                "description": "Any type of traffic related to adult, porn or sexy contents is not allowed."
        "start_date": "2018-04-10T13:57:59Z",
        "status": "RUNNING",
        "stop_date": "2018-04-13T08:00:00Z",
Attribute Type Description
application string Application name
budget number Total campaign budget
campaign_type string Campaign type, Can be CPC, CPI, CPA
countries object Countries associated with this campaign. Items key is a two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) while value is the country name
daily_cap number Campaign daily cap
destination_url string Campaign destination url
id int Campaign id
is_incentivized boolean Allows incent traffic
name string Campaign name
os string Operative system associated with this campaign
os_min_version number Minimum operative system version for this campaign
payout number Payout of the campaign
restrictions object Kind of restrictions for this campaigns. Items key is the restriction id, value is an object with restriction name and description
start_date string Campaign start date, in ISO 8601 format
status string Status of the campaign. Can be RUNNING, PAUSED, DELETED, REJECTED, EXPIRED
stop_date string Campaign stop date, in ISO 8601 format

Error Response

Code Response Description
403 {"detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."} Request doesn't contain authentication credentials or the user is not linked to an advertiser
404 {"detail": "Not found"} No campaign with given id
405 {u'detail': u"Method 'POST' not allowed."} Only GET method is allowed

Sample Call

Request example using curl:

curl -H "Authorization: Token <auth_token>" ''